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Popular Multiplayer and Social Features in Mobile Games and How it Helps Human Connections

Multiplayer games are more engaging and competitive where players can compete against each other and strive to improve their skills. Multiplayer games are also more profitable for game developers

Mobile Games are getting increasingly more social. It is a great way to have fun as well as connect with others. These games are getting more sophisticated, offering a range of social and multiplayer features that can be enjoyed with friends or family. Players can also connect with other gamers from around the world and make new friends, or enter tournaments or challenges for competition. Additionally, players have the chance to win real money or rewards in many games.

According to the 2022 Essential Facts about the Video Game Industry report, the percentage of people who play games together has increased significantly over the years. In 2020, 65% of individuals reported playing together, which surged to 77% in 2021, and has now reached an impressive 83%. This trend highlights that games serve as an effective means of social interaction, enabling people to bond with family, friends, and the global community alike. Additionally, families recognize the advantages of engaging in video games together, as 77% of parents reported regularly playing video games alongside their children.

Social Features That Mobile Games Are Incorporating

Player vs Player
The synchronous PvP feature is becoming increasingly common in mobile games. In September 2020, about 28 percent of the top 100 mobile games had a synchronous PvP feature, while currently, the feature’s popularity is hovering around 32-34%. While PvP has traditionally been a defining element of midcore games, the appeal of deeper social mechanics is expanding beyond this category. As casual gamers seek greater complexity and new experiences, these intricate social features are gaining traction even outside of midcore games.

Another emerging trend that is getting popular among top-grossing games is inclusion of a friendly PvP match option. This feature allows players to directly challenge their friends to matches or battles. Typically, these friendly encounters are more relaxed compared to regular matches, devoid of rewards or penalties.

Guild Mechanics
The guild mechanics feature is experiencing significant growth, with nearly 70% of top-grossing games in the US utilizing it. This expansion isn’t limited to midcore games; casual games are also embracing guild mechanics. Their popularity is attributed to their role as a solid foundation for various social features like events and co-ops. Additionally, the gradual introduction of guild mechanics accommodates casual players and fosters communities without overwhelming them with complexity. Thus, incorporating guild mechanics is a wise choice for integrating social features into your game.

Spectator Mode
Another feature that is gaining traction in mobile games and in some regions more than others, is the spectator mode feature. Spectator mode is a dedicated feature in games that allows players to watch others play, either in real-time or on-demand. In China, nearly 60% of the top-grossing 100 games offer some form of spectator mode, encompassing various genres. In contrast, the adoption rate in the US stands at 14% but it is gaining momentum.

Some of these insights into what social features are found in popular mobile games can help make informed decisions on game design and user experience helps you keep your own game feature set competitive and also yield the best user engagement and monetization. If you are considering developing social multiplayer games and want to decide social features could be the most beneficial to you, our team at Synqua Games can help plan and develop your next game.

If you’re interested in finding out how the data could work for you, you can always send us a message here!


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