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Mobile Game Development

Synqua Games offers you high quality, end to end mobile game development services. If you're a business looking to make games for the iOS, Android, or HTML5 platforms, we have an expert team to provide guidance throughout each phase of the game development process - whether it's using Unity cross-platform game engine or native game development.

From Concept and Production Art to Game Development and Post-Release Support and Maintenance, we partner with clients on a customized engagement model that works best for them. With our customized full-cycle mobile game development services, you can make any gaming dream or daring idea happen.

This isn't just about making a game: it's about building one that really connects with the players. Our expertise lies in the following genres - Casual, Hypercasual, Social, Multiplayer & PvP and Educational Games.

Voice Assistant Games for Smart Speakers (Alexa, Google)

As Smart Assistants like Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri becomes more popular, developers are creating new games for those platforms. Recent trends strongly suggest that voice will drive the next big wave in games and content. Want to create an entertaining voice-first game for Alexa or Google Assistant users?

Voice provides a more immersive gaming experience. Let your users experience the best voice-controlled games and entertainment for smart speakers. Our team comes with experience of building various voice based apps and can help design and develop voice based entertainment and gaming experiences on smart devices such as Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and smartphones.

AR/ VR Games and Apps

Want to delight your customers and enrich user experience and engagement with the power of VR & AR apps? We provide customized development and immersive technology solutions in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed reality for a range of applications in the gaming, entertainment, healthcare, real estate and education space.

The team has worked on building numerous AR/VR apps using Unity, for popular platforms s like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear, Sony Playstation VR, Google Cardboard and Daydream View. We have the expertise, and experience and all that it takes to bring your immersive vision to life.

Games for Brand Campaigns/ User Engagement

A branded video game is a powerful user engagement tool and will give you an edge over other brands. With its ability to draw people in and keep them engaged while they play, it is an effective way of cutting through the digital noise and forging long-term connections.

Build and launch Android, iOS and HTML5 mobile games customized for your brand to help create awareness for an upcoming campaign, a new product launch, a lead generation campaign or to even drive people to visit your website or store. No matter what your budget is, we can customize the scope of work just for you - from altering colors and adding a logo, all the way up to full game re-skinning and new development. This solution has helped agencies and brands such as Puma, HP, Honda (to name just a few) meet their marketing needs - the sky is the limit!
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Let's Talk

If you want to bring your game idea to life or partner with us, we'd love to hear from you.